Health and Safety Policy
Carousel Consultancy Ltd
- Policy Implementation To implement the Safety Policy the Company will:-
- Ensure all employees are trained and competent to perform their duties without risk to the health and safety of themselves and others.
- Inform all employees of their rights and legal obligations in connection with health and safety at work, actively encouraging all employees in the adoption of safe working practices.
- Provide conditions of work in compliance with, or improving on statutory requirements.
- Provide detailed guidance on health and safety at work and fire prevention to enable the Managing Director and every member of staff to fulfil their responsibilities.
- Establish, practice and maintain effective means of preventing fire, emergency evacuation and contingency plans for dealing with other major hazards which may arise.
- Provide and maintain statutory First Aid Operations within the Company.
- Issue general and specific safety procedures for the information, instructions, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of all employees.
- Inform and ensure that all contractors: visitors and others follow Company safety procedures.
- Issue, maintain and control the usage of personal protective equipment appropriate to specific risks.
- Ensure that a high standard of housekeeping is maintained.
- Require:
- detailed reporting and investigation of all accidents and dangerous occurrences to persons and/or property in order to prevent recurrence.
- liaison with the Health & Safety Executive and other official bodies with the aim of improving all aspects of health and safety at work.
- Managing Director
- Ensures the effectiveness of the Company Health & Safety Policy through the necessary organisation and clear line communication for each and every person to be aware not only of his/her own responsibilities, but also of the person to whom he/she should report in matters of health and safety.
- Eradicates or minimises, through the Company organisational reporting/recording and managerial procedures, major risks/hazards to the workforce and/or to machinery and property etc. within the workplace.
- Ensures that risks incurred, through the activities of the Company, to contractors: visitors or
the public are kept to a minimum. - Ensures that all accidents injuries and dangerous occurrences are duly recorded according to Regulations and the Health & Safety Executive and/or other bodies are notified in cases of lost time injuries/dangerous occurrences or other hazardous circumstances as prescribed by legislation.
- Ensures that liability is covered by the Employer’s Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 and under the terms of the Occupiers Liability Act 1957 (as amended in 1984) and any other insurance necessary, or considered appropriate, for the Company as defined by law.
- Working Environment
- Provides, through efficient and effective management, a working environment, so far as reasonably practicable, that is safe and without risk to health and is adequate as regards to Operations and arrangements for the employees’ welfare at work.
- First Aid
- Ensures adequate first aid cover and arranges first aid training and re-training as required by the Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and the Approved Code of Practice (revised and updated 1990). First aiders should be notified of personal conditions which may require assistance whilst at work i.e. asthma, diabetes etc.
- Ensures that all employees are aware of the existing provisions for first aid cover/treatment and accident/injuries arrangements as they apply to each working shift.
- Ensures that all accidents/injuries and dangerous occurrences are, or have been, investigated and duly recorded/reported according to Company procedure.
- Reviews, in conjunction with his/her Director, all summary accident/injury reports and statistics and initiates, or instigates, action to eliminate or reduce unfavourable trends.
- Records
- Maintains health and safety records and registers (including Permits to Work, if applicable) as required by legislation and/or the Company.
- Maintains, or has access to, general personnel/training and/or other records as may be necessary, or relevant, to meet the requirement of appropriate health and safety legislation.
- Suppliers
- Ensures, in conjunction with other Management, that any supplier of any article; substance/material or machinery/equipment etc. for use in the workplace must provide:-
- a product that is safe and without risk to health when properly used.
- adequate information is supplied about the conditions of use.
- Ensures, in conjunction with other Management, that any supplier of any article; substance/material or machinery/equipment etc. for use in the workplace must provide:-
- Safe Systems of Work
- Ensures that all systems, machinery and plant are planned, installed and maintained in a safe condition in compliance with the Factories Act 1961; Offices Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963; The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and all and any other Regulations: Statutory Instruments; Bye-Laws and Approved Codes of Practice, etc. that may be necessary to ensure safe and healthy working conditions.
- Ensures that all grades of employees are given such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, their competent and safe usage of any product plant’; machinery etc. provided or authorised by the Company.
- Ensures that all employees are fully trained in appropriate safe systems of work.
- Ensures that regular inspections of the workplace are made and recorded according to Company checklists.
- Regularly reviews the Company arrangements and safe working procedures to ensure that all grades of employees are being properly informed, instructed, trained and supervised in accordance with Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
- Ensures that a high standard of housekeeping is maintained.
- Fire Precautions
- Ensures that all fire extinguishing equipment is regularly checked and maintained and kept ready, in designated positions, for use in emergency.
- Ensures all fire doors and accesses are kept maintained in good repair and free from obstruction.
- Ensures, the free access to all fire extinguishing equipment kept in designated positions and fire doors and accesses are kept free from obstruction.
- Ensures that all employees are fully trained in fire precaution and evacuation procedures to the requirements of the Fire Precautions Act 1971 and any special provisions or regulations/bye-laws etc.
- All Employees
- Must be provided with such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the competent and safe usage of a product; plant; machinery etc. which they may use in their places of work.
- Must be fully trained in safe systems of work and the provisions of the Company Health and Safety Policy, including fire prevention and precaution.
- Must ensure that a high standard of housekeeping is maintained.
- Wear and maintain in a good state, appropriate protective equipment provided by the Company.
- Should be aware of the provisions for first aid cover and treatment and accident/injuries reporting, that exist when they are present on Company business.
- Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 imposes upon employees the duty to co-operate with the Company, so far as is necessary, to enable the Company to fulfil its general duties required by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and related legislation.
- Section 8 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 imposes upon employees the duty not to intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety or welfare in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions of safety legislation.
- Housekeeping
- Clutter, obstruction or spillage are symptoms of carelessness, which usually lead to accidents and personal injuries therefore:
- Keep the workplace clean and tidy and ensure that all passageways and fire access routes are kept free from obstructions.
- Materials or equipment must not be stacked in areas that will impede free access to fire points; fire extinguishers/hoses/buckets or to the fire alarms
- Fire doors must be kept shut and not jammed open, unless the appropriate magnetic catch is used as instructed. Any defect in any fire door, or in their operation, must be reported to a Health and Safety Officer or Manager.
- Spillage of hazardous materials, substances should be safely contained, pending emergency arrangements being implemented. Non-hazardous substances should be mopped up and safely disposed of.
- Damage to walls/floors or machinery or materials should be reported to a Health and Safety Officer or Manager.
- Clutter, obstruction or spillage are symptoms of carelessness, which usually lead to accidents and personal injuries therefore:
- Machinery/Equipment
- Any defects or difficulties with any machinery/equipment must be reported to a Supervisor immediately.
- Accidents/Incidents/First Aid
- Every employee must know the procedure for seeking, or summoning, treatment for First Aid.
- First Aid/medical treatment must be sought from a suitably qualified, or nominated person, for all injuries however small, minor or trivial they may seem to the injured person and/or others.
- Details of all injuries incurred on Company premises must be reported and recorded in the Accident Book (Form BI 510) at the time of first aid treatment.
- A Health and Safety Officer or Manager must be informed, as soon as reasonably possible, of any accident, injury, near miss or dangerous occurrence. A Health and Safety Officer or Manager must also be notified of any incident in which damage has been caused to personal; Company or a customers’ property.
- Fire Procedure
- Every Employee must be trained in the Company Fire Procedure.
- It is essential after giving your details to the Emergency Operator that you allow them to read back your details.
- If you discover a fire: raise the alarm by going to the nearest fire alarm point and activating the fire alarm.
– Stop Work
– Switch off all Machinery/Equipment
– Close all doors
– Leave the premises by the nearest available fire exit and make your way to the meeting point.
– If you are with a group, do not stampede, leave in an orderly manner.
– Report to the Person in charge at your designated assembly point.
– Do not re-enter the premises for any reason, unless permission has been given by the person authorised to do so. - Visitors
- All visitors must be booked in at Reception and informed of the Company Fire Procedure.
- In the event of fire, any member of staff who receives a visitor(s), shall be responsible for ensuring that the visitor(s) is escorted off the premises to the Assembly Point and their name(s) given to the person in charge, at the Assembly Point, for the inclusion in the Roll Call.
- Every employee must know the emergency procedure for calling the Fire Brigade:
- Fire Fighting Equipment
- All employees must know where all Fire Points: Alarms: Exits: Extinguishers are situated in the areas where they work.
- All Employees are to be trained in the use of Fire Extinguishers.
- An employee may use a fire extinguisher in any fire incident that does not involve a high risk or personal injury.
- All such incidents must be reported to a Health and Safety Officer or Manager as soon as possible.
- Electrical equipment MUST NOT be sprayed with water, either from a fire extinguisher or from a hose or bucket.
- Use a CO2; Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher to put out an electrical fire.
- Any extinguisher that has been fully, or partly, used to put out a fire must be:
- identified – handed to the Managing Director immediately and replaced
- Fire Precautions
- All Company and other special Fire Regulations must be observed by all employees, Contractors and Visitors at all times.
- All substances/liquids/materials must be stored; handled and used in accordance with Statutory Regulations; Manufacturers/Suppliers instructions and Company safe working procedures.
- Flammable or hazardous substances must be safely disposed of in the containers/bins provided by the Company.
- Bomb Alerts
- Should you find a suspicious package; parcel; letter or other object:
- Do not – open or tamper with it
- Do not – move it or put it in water
- Inform your Managing Director immediately.
- Should you receive a warning/message by telephone:
- Inform your Managing Director immediately
- In the event of evacuation of the premises, the COMPANY FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURE will be followed.
- Should you find a suspicious package; parcel; letter or other object:
Individual Health & Safety Responsibilities of Management and Others
General Practice and Procedure
Every employee must know the emergency procedure for calling an Ambulance: